Student Spotlight: David Zeglen Publishes Article in Cambridge Review of International Affairs

Student Spotlight: David Zeglen Publishes Article in Cambridge Review of International Affairs

Cultural Studies Doctoral Candidate David Zeglen has published a research article in the Cambridge Review of International Affairs. The article, titled "Temporal ideologies in uneven and combined development," proposes a reorientation within the Marxian theory of uneven and combined development to examine the ideology of 'development' in capitalist systems.

Read the abstract in full:

"Scholars exhibit a general self-reflexive tendency to purge Eurocentrism from UCD in order to strengthen the concept. Yet, unless the role of the cultural in UCD is adequately theorized, UCD cannot fully overcome Eurocentrism. This article therefore advances a non-Eurocentric cultural theory of UCD based on Althusser’s theory of ideology by positing that the whip of external necessity and the privilege of historical backwardness are cultural conditions specific to capitalism. I argue that in order for capitalism to reproduce itself, it relies upon a temporal ideology called ‘development.’ However, capitalism also produces a material effect I call the ‘spatialization of unevenness’ that contradicts the ideology of development. This contradiction is, however, mediated by the ideology of nationalism. The result of this mediation is the internalization of development as a whip of external necessity and the privilege of historical backwardness as a privilege of national culture in the ideology of nationalism."